Remember that time when you did everything you wanted, with no stupid fears and anxiety that now makes you give up of everything? How good it felt, to be free? How bad you miss that days? I think about that a lot, I think about all the trips I did, all the concerts, parties, vacations with friends. I miss that, I miss that so bad...It's time to have my life back. I'm in a good way, I am fighting this anxiety like I never though I could, I'm stronger each day.
I still don't have any call for a job interview, I know this things take some time, but I'm not that optimist. Patient it's not a quality in me, it's a lost treasure. Now that I saw that I'm strong enough to do it, to move to Porto and start a new life, I really need a job, because without money it's impossible. Economy it's so bad, everyone needs a job, a lot of young people are fighting like me, it's difficult to even get a interview. I'm praying everyday.
I think I already said that I love nails art, if I didn't, I did now. I paint my nails by myself, I love to do it, and I think I'm good at it. Doing thing that I love to do, really calms me down. Think about what you enjoy to do, and do it, anytime you feel you need it, it works for me, distract my thoughts, relax me and makes me happy.
Easter it's almost here, last year I did this nails art:
Easter it's almost here, last year I did this nails art:

Yesterday I saw this one on Instagram:
I think they are so beautiful, maybe I'll do the same on my nails next time. Now I just have purple nails, with no art, just simple. It's one of those colors I bought the other day. It's this color:
Take each day as it comes *
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